Delemus Logo Reveal
Format: Digital Video (00:11) 720p
Music: Barge (Sting) by Gunnar Olsen
Roles: Creative Director, 3D Modeler/Artist, Typographer, video editor
Synopsis: Logo reveal for my artistic name “Delemus”. Inspired by the phylum eight-legged segmented micro animal, the Tardigrade. This logo carries the animal’s aesthetic and overall resistance to the earthy elements.
Programs Used: Adobe Illustrator | Illustrator | After Effects
This project began with some preliminary work such as collecting references and sketching concepts. The next step included vectorizing my font sketches in Adobe illustrator and 3D rendering and texturing them in Blender, along with another organic 3D modeled assets.
Camera effects such as depth of field, chromatic aberration, grain, and film transitions were added in editing with After Effects.