The Last Cosmonaut Title Sequence
Format: Digital Video (04:00) 720p
Music: “19th Floor” by Bobby Richard | “Pavement Sunset” by AKVC
Roles: Creative Director, 3D Modeler/designer, Storyboard Artist, and Video Editor
Synopsis: This title sequence for a fictional television series titled “The Last Cosmonaut” was initially established in order to further my progression in motion graphics. I decided to raise the stakes even higher in order to reach my goal of creating a title sequence inspired by science fiction and the dramatization I admired in most cinematic title intros.
Programs Used: Rhino 6 | Blender | After Effects
The timeline for this project was 4 weeks
Process began with brainstorming ideas and research in the art of Title Intros. I watched several iconic title sequences like those of the James Bond films (which heavily influenced the timespan for this video) Madmen, Dark, True Detective, and Arcane. In order to understand pacing and kinetic typography intrinsic to title sequences.
Once I had ideas and research established, I started storyboarding the sequences of events. The progression of movement most noticed and perfect for title sequences is that of parallax movement which helps show a narrative horizontally and vertically.
The camera parallax movements were animated in Blender with simple location and rotation keyframes. Effects were added during the compositing phase in order to create further variations in camera look.
Once the storyboards and progression were established, 3D character modeling became the next step. Because of the theme, I decided to model a circular droid inspired by iconic sci-fi characters like those found in “Star Wars” and Disney’s “WALL-E”. The planet’s terrain, space station, and the giant robotic humanoid were also modeled and textured with Rhino and Blender.
For the title scene I added granular effects along with radiance, and kinetic typography. With constructive criticism and revisions done, I finally arrived at a final product.